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Top 10 bungee jumping spots in the world
Words can’t describe the feeling of jumping off a plane, a bridge or a cliff. That moment when you feel like a bird! The adrenaline rush is just unimaginable. Well, there are couple of ways to get this feeling, one of them is bungee jumping. Here is the list of the 10 best bungee jumping spots in the world.
The Europabrücke Bridge, also known as the “Europe Bridge,” has a length of 777 meter. This is the longest footbridge in the world. It features several traffic lanes on top and a bungee cord hanging below. So if jumping off a bridge wasn’t already scary enough, now imagine this with the chaotic sounds of traffic in the background (good luck calming your thoughts before this one, jumpers!). Definitely one of the best bungee jumping spots in the world.
Official Website: Click here
Phone Number: +43 316 / 68 87 77
Price: 170 USD onwards
Location: Click here for google map
To get the jumping spot, you will have to take car up the mountain. This location offers magnificent views of beautiful Lake Wakatipu and the surrounding mountains. Also this bungee is also unique as you are harnessed at your waist instead of around your ankles, meaning there are several different ways you can jump jump with a buddy, jump with your cycle, etc. etc.
Official Website: Click here
Phone number: 0800 286 4958 or +64 3 450 1300
Price: 140 USD onwards
Location : Click here for google map
Here, apart from the bungee jump, you can also do a anti-clockwise swing which one of the best experiences you will ever have.
Official Website: Click here
Price: 190 USD onwards
Location : Click here for google map
The seventh highest bungee point is on a arch dam in Carinthia, Austria. This is also the highest dam in Austria. This bridge, in the shape of a horshoe, is built on the top of this dam. It is also called the skywalk. It hosts the bungee jumping site that offers a fall of 169 m talk about an adrenaline rush.
Official Website: Click here
Phone number: +43 (0)316 688 777
Price: 180 USD onwards
Location : Click here for google map
This is suspension bridge and it offers a pure bliss of adventure. This bridge also offers other adventure activities like flying fox, cliff jumping, zip lining, and the giant swing are also available here. My personal favorite bungee jumping spot in the world.
Official Website: Click here
Phone number: +4179 447 28 00
Price: 220 USD onwards
Location : Click here for google map
This bridge got its popularity after being featured in the James Bond movie, Goldeneye. Just like in the movie, you can jump of the bridge and experience the adrenaline in James Bond style!
Official Website: Click here
Phone number: +41 41 390 40 40
Price: 250 USD onwards
Location : Click here for google map
This bridge is located just outside the Tsitsikama National Park on the Garden route in South Africa. The bungee facility is located just below the just road level. The view of the surrounding mountains while you jump from this great height is just stunning.
Official Website: Click here
Phone number: +27 (0) 42 281 1458, +27 (0) 71 109 6872, +27 (0) 72 642 3953
Price: 100 USD onwards
Location : Click here for google map
Longqing Gorge is scenic area located about 50 miles from Beijing. This area is filled with beautiful landscapes, grottos and waterfalls. This area is home to the third highest bungee spot in the world. Just imagine the view when you are going down! This place also offers other adventure sports like rock climbing, abseiling, and other offerings for extreme sports enthusiasts.
Official Website: Click here
Location : Click here for google map
This is official highest bungee jump in the world at a staggering 370.25 meters. This is located above the Balin river Guizhou Province of China.
Official Website: Click here
Saving the best for the last. This is as adventurous as it can get. This jumps are organised by a Chilean company. They take 10,000 feet up in helicopter and then drop you above a volcano which is burning with hot lava. This fall suspends you at just a 700 feet distance from the active Villarrica volcano. Just imagine the view, feeling, the adrenaline! If this adventure dose wasn’t enough, after the hanging you must continue hanging as they take you back to the airport in that same suspended position. These jumps are performed for only in few months per year which is announced in advance.
Official Website: Click here
Price: 16000 USD onwards